What is Gender Equality and Social Inclusion?

Gender equality implies equality under the law, equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for people of every gender. In the energy sector, gender equality requires safe and equal access to resources and opportunities but also, being treated fairly and with dignity and being able to actively participate in decision-making processes. Gender equality also needs to consider equity issues, that is, the recognition that different people access opportunities in different circumstances.

Social inclusion is the process by which efforts are made to ensure equal opportunities – that everyone, regardless of their background, can achieve their full potential in life, and concerns those more vulnerable by reasons of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability status, generational group, geography, and origin.

Therefore, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) can be the process to addresses unequal power relations experienced by people on the grounds of gender, ability, location, ethnicity, language and agency or a combination of these dimensions. It focuses on the need for action to rebalance these power relations in all levels

The context

In 2018, the Government of Mozambique approved the National Electrification Strategy to reach Universal Electricity Access by 2030. This project will expand on-grid and off-gridenergy infrastructure of Mozambique to 450,000 new connections/year; 20% is based on mini grids.

This means massive social change

Obtenha o selo

O GESIS é aplicável a todos os investidores, empreiteiros e partes interessadas no sector energético fora da rede, e mais especificamente aos operadores de mini-redes verdes (GMGs) e aos distribuidores de Serviços Energéticos Autónomos (AESs) em Moçambique. Evoluiu através de um consórcio de decisores nacionais, sociedade civil e parceiros internacionais. Para saber mais sobre o selo e como você pode se envolver como operador de energia ou outro interessado. Aplique agora

Baixe nosso white paper

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